Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shingles Under The Brest

Beginning to meditate meditate


to meditate at home, devotes a corner of your room you will keep absolutely pure and holy, a sacred place that only use to meditate.

When you make your daily meditation, it is best to meditate alone. Before you begin, it is helpful to take a shower or bath. It is also advisable to wear clean clothes and light.

To follow the spiritual life should meditate least once a day. It is best to meditate early in the morning when the atmosphere is calm and peaceful.

Meditating is important to keep the spine straight and erect, and your body relaxed. While meditating discover your inner being will spontaneously take you to a comfortable position and then keep it up to you.
Some seekers like to meditate lying down, but I must say that it is not advisable. Maybe go into a dream world or a kind of inner numbness. Moreover, the lotus position, which is a advanced yoga posture, it is necessary for proper meditation. Many people meditate very well sitting in a chair.

Breathing properly is very important in meditation. Try to breathe as slowly and quietly as possible, so that if someone put a small piece of thread in front of your nose, not move anything. As you exhale, try to make it even more slowly than the inhalation. If possible, make a brief pause between the end of exhalation and the beginning of inhalation. If you can, catch your breath a few seconds. But if it's hard not to. Never do anything that could harm your organs or respiratory system.
Then every time you breathe you try to feel your body bringing peace, infinite peace. The opposite of peace is restlessness. When you exhale, try to feel you're driving the concern that is inside you and what you see around you. When you breathe in this way, you'll see the anxiety away from you.
After practicing this a few times, you try to feel that you are breathing in energy of the universe. And when you exhale, feel all your fear is leaving your body. After doing this a few times, try to feel that what you inhale is joy, infinite joy, and what you exhale is sadness, pain and depression.
there anything else you can try. Feel that you are not breathing air but cosmic energy. Feels there is no one place in your body that is not full of cosmic energy. Is flowing like a river inside you, washing and purifying your whole being.
Then, when you begin to exhale, feel that you are expelling all the rubbish inside you-all-divine thoughts, obscure ideas and impure actions.

Sri Chinmoy, excerpt from "The Wings of Joy" (p. 32-33)



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