Yoga The importance given to the spine is radical because it is considered the mainstay of our bodies, all chakras are connected to it and yogis say that youth is determined by the flexibility of the spine.
column in Sanskrit vertebral called Meru Danda. Meru is a legendary axis or center of the earth. Hence, to call her spine Meru, which translates as "stick or cane." Find everything in the universe - the mountains, rivers, etc. - Also exist in our body and Lokas Tattvas inside the body, as well as in the macrocosm, it happens in our microcosm.
The spine is the center of this microcosm, the headquarters of neuromotor activities of the body. Just as the mountain Meru supports the body of the macrocosm, our Meru Danda sustains our body.
Built as the rattle of the snake of the same name, is capable of performing all kinds of winding movements. For their health and ability to stay upright column we offer our mobility options through exercises, yoga, dance or any other practice that meets the necessary care. .
In most physical and mental disorders, patients lose their mobility and ability to keep your torso upright.
Most people are not aware of how they composed and natural curves of your spine, the trunk when sitting upright and not-often-this is the cause of many of their functional and psychological problems.
In general, the column begins to deform after a certain age (from approximately forty years) due largely to natural aging, nutritional deficiencies, changes in hormone production and lack of physical mobility.
Be aware and make a record of one's body allow us to work on those important points with regard to maintaining a healthy spine.
The body is divided into three segments main: the head, trunk and limbs.
The center of our body is between the head and legs. The spinal column extends from the first vertebra to the end of the trunk.
Sections of the Spine
1) Cervical region (neck region -7 vertebrae).
2) Dorsal region (rib area - 12 vertebrae).
3) Lumbar region (waist area - 5 vertebrae).
4) Sacra Region (area or buttocks - 5 vertebrae).
5) coccygeal region (coccyx - 4 vertebrae).
The vertebrae are arranged one above the other, forming a pillar for the support of head and trunk, and are connected through joints, among other things, allow mobility.
vary in size. For example, the size of the vertebrae in the cervical region is lower than in the dorsal area. The lumbar vertebrae have a larger and are wider.
The column is not stiff! It has the quality to be mobile and can move in different ways by movements lateral flexion, extension and torsion. Out of it numerous nerve filaments involved in the mobility and many functions of our body.
The five regions of the columns correspond to the regions for the next 5 Chakras - between 7 usually considered more important, "Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata and Vishuddha.
Human Energy System
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Energy System and Spine:
"As Aswattha tree leaves, that are full of tiny fibers, so is this body permeated by millions of Nadis. "
This is how we meet with the" components "of our physiology subtle with our energy system.
Sushumna Nadi passes for cylindrical base of the spine, Ida Nadi is on the left and right Pingala Nadi of the spinal cord.
Our physical body takes shape, what energy sculpture, according to the nature of our astral body, which has much to do with the Nadis mentioned. Is shaped and little by little "subtilized."
System Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous comply with very specific functions and are part of this great gear. Thus, the sympathetic system dilates the pupils, increases the strength and frequency of the heartbeat, dilates the bronchi, reduces the stomach contractions, stimulates the adrenal glands.
From the psychological point of view prepares us for action. The functioning of the sympathetic nervous system is associated with a stimulus psicopercepciĆ³n an emotional non-neutral.
Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating of the face, hands and armpits is directly related to the over stimulation of the sympathetic system.
The malfunction of this system or an inappropriate relationship with the parasympathetic nervous system can cause various symptoms grouped under the generic name of dysautonomia.
Parasympathetic Nervous System complies with the following features: its primary function is to promote or support a bodily state of rest or relaxation after intense exercise or perform important functions such as digestion or sex. Acts on the body's stress level decreasing it. Additional counter performs with respect to sympathetic nervous system.
why the parasympathetic nervous system participates in regulating the cardiovascular system gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract. There tissues such as liver, kidney, pancreas and thyroid, which receive parasympathetic innervation, suggesting that the parasympathetic system is involved in metabolic regulation. Cardiovascular
: parasympathetic effects on the heart are mediated by the vagus nerve. Acetylcholine decreases heart rate and force of myocardial contraction. Gastrointestinal
: parasympathetic innervation of the intestine passes through the vagus nerve and the sacral nerves in the pelvis.
Apparatus genitourinary: innervate the sacral parasympathetic bladder and genitals. Acetylcholine increased ureteral peristalsis, detrusor muscle contracts and relaxes the bladder trigone and sphincter, so that its role is essential to coordinate urination. Respiratory
: is innervated by parasympathetic fibers from the vagus. Acetylcholine increased tracheobronchial secretions and stimulate bronchoconstriction.
We have a large number of Nadis, including minor Nadis, but here we take care of those who call Nadis majors, among which we mention Gandhari, Hastajihva, Kuhu, Sarasvati, Pusha, Sankhini, Payasvini, Varuni, Alambusha, Vishvodhara and Yasaswini.
The Ida and Pingala Nadis are channels that charge Sushumna subtle Prana. In the physical body, the nadis correspond to the left and right sympathetic chains. Ida
begins in the right testicle and Pingala in the left Nadi Sushumna meet the Muladhara Chakra. In the macrocosm also found these similarities.
Ida flows through the window of the left nostril and Pingala on the right. Ida is also called Chandra Nadi-o Canal Lunar-and-Pingala as Surya Nadi or Solar Canal. Ida is cool, soothing, passive and active Pingala is hot. Ida, pale Rupa is Shakti, the great feeder of the world.
Pingala, colored fire is Rudra Rupa.
bibliographic sources:
of Harish Johari.
WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia.
Claudia Alejandra Ingenito
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