sensitivity get in the place of another and feeling with the other leads to connect to what we call mercy and compassion. Understanding that grief and suffering they feel that other sentient being is also mine and I'm not alone or outside it in any way.
What happens to our environment it is with us. This is how we feel each other by putting in place.
But it's also connecting with the vibration of life itself, with its creative force, with the sense of wonder that moves us and everything that makes us feel happy that we can connect. Learning to separate from experience that not all sorrow, pain and suffering in our lives.
Thus, in our experiences, a wide range of shades: happiness, joy, joy, sadness, distress, suffering, pain. All this and more, can occur in the course of our lives. Connect
to happiness or self leads us to discover the reality beyond the everyday things.
Do not you ever has to feel extremely happy, full and happy for no reason, under circumstances that ordinarily require a huge state of concern and anguish?
Many times our inner happiness has nothing to do with "reality" in which we live. And if I often say I do not think I'm right, I dare say, from my personal experience, that always the case: the joy and happiness, to feel full and happy has more to do with an internal state of our being that the situations or external circumstances. It sounds paradoxical
and even irrational, is that we are accustomed to seeking a response from the mental to everything that happens to us, without taking into account that not everything has to do with this dense plane in which we experience our existence or our mind, but also has to do with something more subtle: the Spirit, where reason is bewildered and can not connect with a logical response that leads to understanding what is happening.
appears, then, a warning call. What is happening to me?, And that what we are experiencing is not commonplace. I came to wonder several times a host of questions, from my personal conduct considered illogical not to feel worried in certain situations that demand it in the ordinary way, to believe I was not connecting with "the reality of things" and the fact that lack of sensitivity or awareness.
But the truth is that I was fully conscious, with great sensitivity and also with the ability to feel with others, while my state of inner happiness intact. Behold, I learned to discern and were getting the answers.
. Feeling happy
internally without this having to do with what happens outside is possible. Does not mean being disconnected from the outside and despite the other's needs, our feeling goes further and is autonomous and independent of it. Because when you enter this wonderful vibrating in that state of connection with your Self, you can accompany the other in their grief, to be compassionate, loving and assist you to understand without the need to immerse yourself in your own pain.
You may feel lucky to connect with this very objective perspective and healthy, without the need to settle in the accompanying pain ... from a much more positive and your whole being vibrates at high frequency vibration and full of love lighting your way ... and that of others.
. Claudia Alejandra