Monday, May 9, 2011

Least Busy Traffic Court In Los Angeles

The mantra OM TAT SAT was found in some verses of the Vedas and thus is described in the Bhagavad Gita (17:33): "From the beginning of creation, the three words were used OM TAT SAT to indicate the Supreme Absolute Truth. "

. So
Sri Krishna explains the origin of the Vedas, in Chapter XVII of the Bhagavad Gita.
The Vedas come the great mantra OM TAT SAT, meditating in which the wise
he knew the identity of OM (Absolute) to existence.
For a sincere spiritual seeker seize the important thing is that Supreme Absolute Truth, recognize, take away the illusion of being tied up, shake off the names and forms and drink from the fountain of bliss immortal.

"Knowledge of the Absolute does not depend on any book, or anything else, is absolute in itself. No amount of study, this knowledge is not achieved. It is not theory.
is fulfillment."

-Swami Vivekananda-


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