Monday, May 9, 2011

Funnywedding Invite Wording

Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum Om Namah Shivaya Mantra

OM MANI PADME HUM , Mantra of Compassion

The mantra OM MANI PADME HUM means "The Jewel in the Lotus."
Of all known mantras OM is considered the most powerful, finding his correspondence with the famous Amen.

There are several ways of chanting the OM: extending the "O" we affect others and the auric fields. Extending the "M" through the nose and mouth closed wake effect is internal and the divine in us.
must be used before the meditations and prayers as she is an agent which aligns the energetic particles from our body.
is a call to the light beings that you are announcing prepared. Adding A chanting AUM will be stimulating your crystal display and turning your thoughts.



: a call to the Universe, we align our energies. MANI
symbolizes the enlightened state of compassion and love. Means "jewel" in Sanskrit.
PADME: their sound stimulates the wisdom in the midst of the negative experiences of life. Means "lotus". The link with the Crown Chakra. PADME Sanskrit, Tibetan FAME.
HUM: lighting means potential. Indicates indivisibility. While the OM represents the infinite sound in man and the universe, the HUM is finite within the infinite.

The Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is endowed with the capacity to purify our mind from the veils that obscure it, opens the mind to love and compassion, guiding us toward awakening.

OM: purifies the veils of the body.
MA: purifies the veils of speech.
NI: purifies the veils of the mind.
PAD: purifies the veils of conflicting emotions.
ME: purifies the veils of latent conditioning.
HUNG: purifies the veil that covers knowledge.

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The meaning of this mantra is "I SALUTE MY OWN AND ONLY BE "or" I bow to Shiva, my inner self. "OM NAMA
SHIVAYA means" God is in me ", his strength and power are my protection." OM is the omnipresent consciousness is God. NAMAH is the presence of the Universal or Divine Mother. Shiva is the God of destruction, transmuting, regenerative, liberating and second deity of the Hindu Trimurti is equivalent to the Son of the Trinity, the Christ of the West.


Om Namah Shivaya Mantra is an invocation, a divine formula that invites us to internalize beyond our mental limitations, beyond the ego, to reconnect with our own Divinity, our Inner Being. It is used in meditation or as a call to awaken our divine potential. In Castilian, this Mantra or invocation may be expressed: "I invoke my inner being." Swami Muktananda


"Mantra This is the great liberator. It means" I bow to Shiva.
Shiva, a Hindu, or Muslim or Buddhist or Christian. He is your own being. is the being of all. Shiva is the supreme happiness. Shiva is the boundless love. Shiva is all powerful.
Always repeat the name of Shiva. "

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Mantra Hari Om Tat Sat Om Tat Sat

"HARI OM TAT SAT" is the union two ancient mantras of the Vedas. Swami Satyananda Paramhamsa joined the mantra "Hari Om" with "OM TAT SAT" creating "HARI OM TAT SAT"
: represents life and the manifested universe, we can see how creating this world. Reference is another name of the Hindu god Vishnu, the Preserver of the World.
OM, represents the reality that we can not see with our eyes but we can perceive, is not created the appearance of the Absolute. Reality is not apparent, appearance unseen, invisible.
Then "HARI OM TAT SAT" means "It's the truth." That I can see with my eyes and what is beyond my eyes is the same, no different.
The creator and creation are one. Swami Satyananda

Paramhamsa use this Mantra and writes in his book Yoga Nidra at the end of each fiscal year, which is why it has incorporated "HARI OM TAT SAT" in every kind of Yoga Nidra to end the session, thus following the teaching. Swami Satyananda
When used Paramhamsa Mantra "HARI OM TAT SAT" reminds you that what you see and what not, are one.

Meaning of each term:

HARI: life, manifested reality this world.
OM: the infinite, which is beyond the aspect of the absolute uncreated.
TAT: es.
SAT: the truth.